3 Green Lights is a Coaching Company dedicated to facilitating both personal and professional change. Created and facilitated by Diane Bourret, 3 Green Lights offers coaching, guidance, and HR services to individuals and organizations alike. 

Individual Coaching

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Is Coaching Right For You?

Our world is very demanding, and over time, most of us end up in self-limiting situations that lock up our potential. We set goals and we work very hard towards achieving those goals, but we just can’t seem to get there. This often results in feeling like we’re stuck in one place and unable to move forward. We can become unhappy with the quality of our lives, and frustrated by the fact that we can’t seem to attain our goals. Effective Co-Active Coaching will enable you to focus on your goals in health, business, family, friends, fun and recreation, career, finances, and fulfilling dreams.

If any of these statements reflect your wants or needs, then Individual Co-Active Coaching is right for you.

"I want to create a life plan that will help me design the life I want."
"I want to take better care of myself in all aspects of my life and make self-care a priority."
"I need help to improve my relationships."
"I just want to be happier and experience more joy."
"I need help to determine appropriate actions and steps that will allow me to meet my goals."
"I want to make changes or advance my career."
"I need help to identify and assess my personal wants and needs."
"I want to learn how to better prioritize my goals and responsibilities."
"I need help to break through obstacles that stand in the way of achieving my goals."
"I want to learn how to deal with difficult people in a more constructive manner."
"I am overwhelmed and want to get my life under control."
"I want to learn how to manage stress more effectively."
"I want to find life balance that meets my personal and family needs."
"I want to simplify my life."
"I want to establish stronger boundaries so that my time and energy are respected by others."
"I have crucial issues, conflicts, or situations that I want to address in my life."
"I want to develop a greater understanding of my life and my role in a connection to a larger plan."
"I want to improve my confidence and improve my self-worth."
"I need help to structure and organize my workday and schedule so I can get more work done in less time."
"I want to improve my productivity and time management."
"I want to be more effective in the way I work or manage my business."
"I want to become a stronger leader and learn how to manage people more effectively."


How Individual Coaching Works

Co-Active Coaching isn't about the coach "solving your challenges", it is about the coach empowering you to address your challenges and take actions towards your desired life vision from a more proactive, focused, and balanced mindset.

I begin by providing you with a complimentary discovery coaching session. We will talk about where you are in your life now, where you want to go, what is working for you, and, what isn’t working for you. This session is an exploration that you will find quite revealing.  At the end of this session, we will decide whether we are a good fit, and whether we agree to proceed with a coaching partnership.  

If we agree to proceed, the coaching process begins with booking a one-hour intake session. This is the only session in which I will lead the direction of our conversation. We’ll set key growth areas for you and design how we will work best together. Normally, the next session will include things like looking at your values and your life purpose. You will determine the topics for discussion for consecutive sessions. Ultimately, our sessions will result in unlocking your potential, aligning your values, finding your life purpose, and setting and achieving your goals.

You will learn that you are your own best expert!  


What You Can Expect

I Will

Be your trusted advisor to guide you.  
Provide an effective personal learning process. 
Provide structure and focus needed for you to stay in action.  
Ask you powerful, thought provoking questions.  
Provide challenges and brainstorming solutions.  
Hold you accountable to action in between our sessions.  

Benefits For You

Secure the help you need to maximize your potential.
Become familiar with the proven coaching techniques, tools and resources.
Acquire new skills and tools to help you to succeed.
Develop the courage and confidence to move forward. 
Develop clarity on the barriers you face and how to overcome them.
Determine your goals and commit to accomplishing those goals. 
Experience the satisfaction that comes with overcoming obstacles and challenges.

Individual Coaching Packages

I can coach you using several different interaction methods. We can meet over the phone, by webcam, or in person depending upon our proximity to each other.




Designed for those who wish to make a change in their life, and make sure it sticks long after the last Life Coaching session. This package gives us enough time to get to the root of the issue and provide the tools needed to make those important lasting changes in your life.


6 Coaching Sessions of 45 minutes each over a 3-month period
Free email support for the duration of the coaching sessions

Sessions valid for 12 months from date of booking




Designed for those that would like help in overcoming one or two issues such as gaining clarity, or removing the feeling of being stuck.


8 Coaching Sessions of 45 minutes each over a 2-month period
Free email support for the duration of the coaching sessions

Sessions valid for 12 months from date of booking




Designed for those needing help to determine their career path.


6 Coaching Sessions of 45 minutes each over a 2-month period

Sessions valid for 6 months from date of booking

To book or customize a package, please follow the link below to schedule your complimentary consultation.